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2024 Kishwaukee Christmas Bird Count Recap

Rowan Mermel
March 8, 2025

Imagine waking up full of anticipation at 3:30 am, rushing to pack your bag with field guides and bundling up to face the bitter December cold. What would be worth the early, cold wake-up? The Christmas Bird Count! The Christmas Bird Count is the longest running community science project in the country. It is administered by the National Audubon Society. Between December 14th and January 5th, hundreds of individual day-long counts take place across the country. Each count takes place in a 15 mile diameter circle. There are three counts that take place in the Rockford area. Severson Dells Nature Center is in the Kishwaukee count area.

 The Kishwaukee Christmas Bird Count team put in an excellent effort last December, making 17,391 observations of 68 bird species. The counters got ahead early, starting at 3:30 am, to ensure that they could count owls that are active at night. At 7:00 am the real game began when the diurnal birds came out. The team drove a total of 343 miles and added another 54 miles on foot. Three rookie birders came through big this year, while the veteran birders built upon their past experience to ensure the count ran smoothly.

The most common bird this year was the Canadian goose. The most diverse location in the count area was Blackhawk Springs Forest Preserve with 39 species of birds. The largest percentage increase from last year was seen in the Hairy woodpecker, of which observations nearly doubled from last year.

Species seen this year were:

Canada Goose, Mallard, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Yellow Bellied Sapsucker, Downy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Blue Jay, American Crow, Black-capped Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, White-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Dark Eyed Junco, Northern Cardinal, House Sparrow, Herring Gull, Mourning Dove, Pileated Woodpecker, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Eastern Bluebird, American Robin, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Fox Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, Common Merganser, Wild Turkey, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, Bald Eagle Adult, Bald Eagle Immature, Barred Owl, Belted King Fisher, Hairy Woodpecker, Merlin, Winter Wren, Carolina Wren, European Starling, Cedar Waxwing, American Tree Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, Eastern Meadowlark, American Goldfinch, Red-tailed Hawk, Great Horned Owl, House Finch, Rough-legged Hawk, Hermit Thrush, Song Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, Northern Harrier, Red-winged Blackbird, Ring-billed Gull.

The Christmas Bird Count is unique because of its scale and flexibility, which results in challenges and opportunities in using the data. Because there is a lot of variety in effort between count areas and across years, comparing data between counts and drawing trends over time is not straightforward. Calculations must be done to adjust the number of observations for the amount of effort in a count area. Count areas also have to be averaged out into “Bird Conservation Regions” to remove statistical noise. The trends of bird populations in these bird conservation regions can be viewed at To participate in this years Christmas Bird Count visit*90mxdm*_gcl_au*MTgzNjAyMjIzMy4xNzM4


By Sydney Sherbitsky March 6, 2025
When you look around outside you may see some snow, bare trees, a blue-gray sky, and maybe some birds or squirrels roaming about that have toughed it out through the winter. However, there is a lot more going on outside than meets the eye, and the ‘dead’ of winter may not be as dead as we think.
By Shannon Osadjan February 27, 2025
Spring’s right around the corner, which is such an exciting time for nature lovers all around. This is a season filled with new beginnings, growth, fresh blooms, and lots of sprouting. The migrating birds return, ephemeral wildflowers appear, trees begin budding, plants pop up, and fungi begin sprouting! Believe it or not, fungi are actually everywhere, and they affect our lives everyday! From the mushrooms on your pizza, to life saving medicines, to the mold growing on your leftovers, to the microscopic organisms on pretty much any surface you touch - fungi are everywhere! However, most fungi are just microscopic and require magnification to see with the human eye. This is why mushrooms are so commonly known because they are one of the few species of fungi that are easily seen by the human eye without using any sort of magnification tool. Mushrooms are mysterious creatures! Not classified as either a plant or an animal, belonging to its own scientific kingdom, but yet essential for survival of all life. Fungi are the backbone of all life that we know on earth. Whether you’re looking to forage and cook them up, or you’re looking just to take a cool picture, mushrooms are always there and ready. You may have heard the terms mushroom and fungi before, and sometimes they are used interchangeably, even though this isn’t correct. The term mushroom is often used to describe a type of fungi that have gills, a cap, a stem, and it functions as the spore-bearing fruiting-body of a fungus, which grows deeper beneath the surface. Whereas fungi are organisms that lack chlorophyll and vascular tissue, and that survive by absorbing and decomposing organic matter. Fungi play a crucial role in nature, by breaking down and recycling nutrients from dead plants and matter into simpler compounds. The simpler compounds then become food for other organisms: this then causes fungi to form symbiotic relationships with other plants and animals in the ecosystem. Unlike plants, fungi do not have roots, stems, leaves, flowers or seeds. Instead, fungi have a mycelium (a root-like structure) which is a network of small, white filaments, and this is what allows them to absorb nutrients and water from the objects they grow in. Fungi are the most similar in structure to plants, yet they still differ significantly, therefore, fungi belong in their own kingdom of organisms. Severson Dells Nature Center is fortunate enough to have a beautiful display of mushrooms here. Throughout my few months being here at Severson Dells, I have been able to confidently identify at least 12 different fungi species within our forests, each of them thriving with a large population of mushrooms nearby! However, within the last few years there has been a growing concern about the decline of mushroom species found in Illinois, especially within our forests. A large majority of these population declines are due to over harvesting, habitat deregulation, and the expansion of urbanization and agriculture. As a result, fungi species are displaced from an ecosystem they were familiar and thriving with, to a foreign environment that no longer has favorable conditions for them, resulting in their disappearance. To conserve our remaining mushrooms, we must continue to manage our public and private natural areas and forests in ways that protect and maintain mushroom populations. We always want to caution people that, while it is legal to forage for fungi for personal use on Forest Preserves of Winnebago County preserves, not all fungi are edible and it is best to do your own research on fungi foraging. If you are curious about learning more on mushroom foraging, consider taking a class from a local expert or doing extensive research. The key to safe and sustainable mushroom hunting is education! Mushrooms Found at Severson Dells From fertile prairies to rolling hills and lush forests, Illinois offers a diverse landscape for mycology enthusiasts. Having such a variation of habitats makes Illinois an ideal location for mushroom hunting through all four seasons! Lots of different kinds of wild mushrooms typically begin growing in the spring, around late April to early May. However, not all mushrooms follow this pattern. Different species are more prevalent at different times of the year, but the majority do prefer the spring to fall weather conditions. Here at Severson Dells, we are fortunate enough to have many species of fungi and mushrooms that bloom here, and we appreciate them all! Let’s take a deeper look at the types of mushrooms found here:
By Emma Zimmerman February 17, 2025
...Maybe. It depends on who you ask.
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