If we are being completely honest with ourselves there is no such thing as a truly 100% eco-friendly product. This is because every product made by man has some sort of environmental impact; whether it's from when the products were harvested or extracted from the earth, the processes undergone to mold it into its final shape, the energy it takes to transport the, or where it ends up after use. However there are ways that we can change the way we make products but these are often very expensive and time consuming endeavors; too much so for ‘for-profit’ companies to meaningfully embrace the transition. With this being the case, how and why are we seeing so many “eco-friendly” products being sold with new ones popping up all the time? To put it simply, it's very trendy and in-style to be considered green or eco-friendly nowadays. Companies will take short-cuts and do the bare minimum to change some aspect of their product so that it could be advertised as such.