Find Your Wild
Severson Dells is home to a rich Oak- Hickory forest. Learn what plants and animals make up this unique community!
Severson Dells is proud of the restored Savannas, dotted with majestic Oaks and wildflowers, that provide homes for Rusty Patch Bumblebees and more.
Hall Creek is an idyllic stream that runs through meadows, forests, and dolomite cliffs. It is home to many creatures big and small as well, as well as some specialized plants.
From Wet Prairies to Hilltop Prairies, Severson has a variety of grassland habitats. The plants and animals that live here are well adapted for extreme conditions like blazing fires, scorching sun, biting frost, and powerful winds.
The water in this man-made pond comes from a spring located on the eastern edge of the pond, and if you listen closely, you may even hear water bubbling up from the underground aquifer!
Our dolomitic bedrock was formed around 450 million years ago in the Ordovician period, when Illinois was a warm, shallow ocean.
Our Mission: To link people to nature through education and research, in the northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin area. We promote awareness of the natural world, fostering respect, enjoyment, and preservation now and in the future.
8786 Montague Rd.
Rockford, IL 61102
The Grove Nature Playscape and the trails
are open from sunrise to sunset.
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